32 research outputs found

    Axl-inhibitor bemcentinib alleviates mitochondrial dysfunction in the unilateral ureter obstruction murine model

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    Renal fibrosis is a progressive histological manifestation leading to chronic kidney disease (CKD) and associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. In previous work, we showed that Bemcentinib, an Axl receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor, reduced fibrosis development. In this study, to investigate its effects on mitochondrial dysfunction in renal fibrosis, we analysed genome-wide transcriptomics data from a unilateral ureter obstruction (UUO) murine model in the presence or absence of bemcentinib (n = 6 per group) and SHAM-operated (n = 4) mice. Kidney ligation resulted in dysregulation of mitochondria-related pathways, with a significant reduction in the expression of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), fatty acid oxidation (FAO), citric acid cycle (TCA), response to reactive oxygen species and amino acid metabolism-related genes. Bemcentinib treatment increased the expression of these genes. In contrast, AKT/PI3K signalling pathway genes were up-regulated upon UUO, but bemcentinib largely inhibited their expression. At the functional level, ligation reduced mitochondrial biomass, which was increased upon bemcentinib treatment. Serum metabolomics analysis also showed a normalizing amino acid profile in UUO, compared with SHAM-operated mice following bemcentinib treatment. Our data suggest that mitochondria and mitochondria-related pathways are dramatically affected by UUO surgery and treatment with Axl-inhibitor bemcentinib partially reverses these effects.publishedVersio

    Regulation and quantification of cellular mitochondrial morphology and content

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    Mitochondria play a key role in signal transduction, redox homeostasis and cell survival, which extends far beyond their classical functioning in ATP production and energy metabolism. In living cells, mitochondrial content (“mitochondrial mass”) depends on the cell-controlled balance between mitochondrial biogenesis and degradation. These processes are intricately linked to changes in net mitochondrial morphology and spatiotemporal positioning (“mitochondrial dynamics”), which are governed by mitochondrial fusion, fission and motility. It is becoming increasingly clear that mitochondrial mass and dynamics, as well as its ultrastructure and volume, are mechanistically linked to mitochondrial function and the cell. This means that proper quantification of mitochondrial morphology and content is of prime importance in understanding mitochondrial and cellular physiology in health and disease. This review first presents how cellular mitochondrial content is regulated at the level of mitochondrial biogenesis, degradation and dynamics. Next we discuss how mitochondrial dynamics and content can be analyzed with a special emphasis on quantitative live-cell microscopy strategies.acceptedVersio

    Mitochondrial physiology

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    As the knowledge base and importance of mitochondrial physiology to evolution, health and disease expands, the necessity for harmonizing the terminology concerning mitochondrial respiratory states and rates has become increasingly apparent. The chemiosmotic theory establishes the mechanism of energy transformation and coupling in oxidative phosphorylation. The unifying concept of the protonmotive force provides the framework for developing a consistent theoretical foundation of mitochondrial physiology and bioenergetics. We follow the latest SI guidelines and those of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) on terminology in physical chemistry, extended by considerations of open systems and thermodynamics of irreversible processes. The concept-driven constructive terminology incorporates the meaning of each quantity and aligns concepts and symbols with the nomenclature of classical bioenergetics. We endeavour to provide a balanced view of mitochondrial respiratory control and a critical discussion on reporting data of mitochondrial respiration in terms of metabolic flows and fluxes. Uniform standards for evaluation of respiratory states and rates will ultimately contribute to reproducibility between laboratories and thus support the development of data repositories of mitochondrial respiratory function in species, tissues, and cells. Clarity of concept and consistency of nomenclature facilitate effective transdisciplinary communication, education, and ultimately further discovery

    Which sustainability efforts are most profitable to prioritize? : a proxy approach to sustainability effort measurement

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    In this thesis, we look at annual- and sustainability reports as a proxy to sustainability efforts for companies listed on the OSEAX-index. By using textual analysis on annual and sustainability reports, along with other sustainability measures, we then investigate the link between profitability and various types of sustainability efforts in a Norwegian context. The study utilizes a custom crafted database of 133 companies, 504 annual reports, and 111 sustainability/ESG/CSR-reports, along with accounting data and secondary variables resulting in 639 observations and a wide range of sustainability variables spanning over 5 years. I find a positive link between sustainability efforts and profitability for the sample, and the proxy-approach proves promising. However, I am not able to determine any categorical prioritization of sustainability efforts, which gives support to the existing common practice of contextual assessments and materiality matrices when it comes to sustainability effort prioritization. The thesis struggles with data availability and the methodological question of how to filter and aggregate easily accessible sources of empirical information. It contributes to existing sustainability research by providing an original approach to sustainability efforts measuring. The results are generalisable for companies listed on the OSEAX-index, however the thesis is conditioned on the acceptance of the proxy-solution to measure sustainability efforts. There is also no way of determining causality in the study, but the results are robust with varied robustness-measures in place.nhhma

    From Words to Numbers

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    CubeSat-prosjekter øker i andel, og behovet for pålitelighetsverktøy og data er nøkkelkomponenter for å unngå tidlig tap og oppnå suksesskriteriene for oppdraget. Feiltreeanalyse (FTA) er en mye brukt metode for å analysere farer og beregne systemets generelle pålitelighet. Likevel har konvensjonell feiltreanalyse ulemper når mangler på statistisk data forhindrer at en kvantitativ analyse kan bli gjennomført. I slike tilfeller kan man benytte fagkunnskap for å hjelpe med å modellere farene. Imidlertid synes folk det er vanskelig og upraktisk å tilby sannsynlighetsestimater basert på eksakte tall og er mer komfortable med å bruke språklige begreper når de estimerer sannsynligheten for at en hendelse inntreffer. De ordlige uttrykkene gir mer spillerom og inkluderer usikkerhet, men konvensjonell FTA-representasjon kan ikke håndtere denne språklige prosedyren. I denne artikkelen foreslås en fuzzy logisk tilnærming for å overvinne disse hindringene og tillate eksperttilrettelegging å bli brukt for å gjøre kunnskapen deres om til sannsynlighetstall ved å bruke språklige variabler som et verktøy. Feilmodus identifisert fra Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analyse (FMECA) har blitt rangert i en hierarkisk prioriteringsrekkefølge med hensyn til alvorlighetsgraden for HYPSO-oppdragsmålene. Det ble konstruert feiltrær for disse feilmodusene og grunnleggende hendelser ble identifisert. Et anonymt spørreskjema ble utviklet for å samle teammedlemmenes språklige evalueringer og deres tillitsvurdering for de respektive kjernehendelsene. For å transformere disse språklige estimatene til analytiske data som skal brukes for kvantitative evalueringer av komponentene, delsystemene og for de overordnede underkategoriene til satellitten, benyttes en Similiarity Agreement’s Method aggregering av risikoen for teamekspertenes estimater. Selv om denne fuzzy-baserte metoden er brukt på andre bransjeapplikasjoner, er dens potensielle nytteverdi aldri brukt tidligere i SmallSatsektoren etter det forfatteren er kjent med og er derfor opprinnelig utforsket i denne oppgaven. Til slutt i denne oppgaven implementeres en fuzzy feiltremodell for å kvantitativt teste årsak-virkningsforholdet til disse satellittspesifikke farene og feilmodusene. Resultatene fra denne analysen er sannsynligheten for at en spesifikk hendelse inntreffer og betydningen av de mulige påvirkningene er eksplisitt vist ved viktighetsrangeringer. Funnene som er presentert her kan hjelpe risikoanalytikere med å forberede sine risikotiltak for å effektivt håndtere risikoene i et satellittsystem

    Erkjennelsens og anerkjennelsens retorikk - en retorisk sjangeranalyse av norske offisielle unnskyldninger

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    Temaet for denne masteroppgaven er norske offisielle unnskyldninger. Dette er statlige beklagelser for tidligere ugjerninger begått av nordmenn eller norske myndigheter. Fra 2012 til 2018 ble fire slike unnskyldninger rettet mot henholdsvis norske jøder, krigsseilerne, norske rom og «tyskerjentene». Fremveksten av slike norske unnskyldningstaler aktualiserer en analyse av talene for å kartlegge sjangerens kjennetegn og betydning. Med retorisk sjangeranalyse som rammeverk undersøker studien sjangerens karakteristikker og dens potensial til å påvirke politiske og sosiale forhold. I analysen undersøker jeg blant annet hvordan sjangeren kan brukes til å forplikte det retoriske publikumet til spesifikke verdier. Dette publikummet består både av gruppene unnskyldningene er rettet mot og det øvrige norske folk. I oppgaven undersøker jeg hvordan retorene skaper og definerer dette publikumet og kartlegger sjangerens muligheter til å definere og forme nordmenns kollektive norske identitet. Oppgaven viser at sjangeren forutsetter en taler med en særegen form for retorisk handlekraft. Dette betyr at retoren må ha makten til å fremføre den offisielle unnskyldningen og til å orkestrere en talesituasjon som muliggjør en erkjennelse av tidligere feil. Sjangerens viktigste karakteristikk er de ensartede erkjennelsene av fortidens ugjerninger. Disse redegjørelsene tar form av historiefortellinger som erkjenner norske myndigheters aktørrolle og anerkjenner gruppene som mottar unnskyldningen som historiens offer. Gjennom slike fortellinger kan sjangeren brukes til styrke nordmenns forpliktelse til liberale verdier som frihet, åpenhet og likeverd. Sjangeren har også et potensial til å anerkjenne minoriteter som norske ved å definere gruppens kultur som norsk og ved å forankre gruppens historiske tilhørighet til landet. På denne måten tildeles gruppen en stemme og en rett til å bli lyttet til. Sjangeren har således potensial til å påvirke nordmenns forståelse av hva som er norsk kultur og til å utvide kategorien «nordmann». Studien avdekker altså hvordan offisielle unnskyldninger kan påvirke relasjoner mellom stat og minoritet, og ikke minst hvordan slike minoriteter kan innlemmes i et nasjonalt fellesskap gjennom retorikk. På et overordnet plan gir studien innsyn i hvordan en retorisk sjanger kan påvirke et samfunns håndtering av fortiden, og måten offisielle forståelser av historien kan forme kollektive verdier og identiteter. På denne måten øker studien vår forståelse av retorikkens politiske og sosiale funksjoner

    Ljud över Bluetooth och MOST

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    In this Master Thesis the possibility of connecting standard products wirelessly to MOST, a multimedia network for vehicles, is investigated. The wireless technique analysed is Bluetooth. The report theoretically describes how MOST could be integrated with Bluetooth via a gateway. Future scenarios that are made possible by this gateway are also described. The solution describes how a connection could be established and how the synchronous audio is transferred from a Bluetooth sound source to the MOST network.I detta examensarbete studeras möjligheten att ansluta standardprodukter trådlöst till MOST, ett multimedianätverk för fordon. Den trådlösa tekniken som analyseras är Bluetooth. Rapporten beskriver teoretiskt hur MOST ska integreras med Bluetooth via en gateway och tar även upp olika framtida scenarier som möjliggörs med hjälp av denna gateway. Lösningen beskriver hur en förbindelse kan upprättas och ljuddata överföras från en ljudkälla till MOST-nätet med hjälp av Bluetooth-teknik

    Which sustainability efforts are most profitable to prioritize? : a proxy approach to sustainability effort measurement

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    In this thesis, we look at annual- and sustainability reports as a proxy to sustainability efforts for companies listed on the OSEAX-index. By using textual analysis on annual and sustainability reports, along with other sustainability measures, we then investigate the link between profitability and various types of sustainability efforts in a Norwegian context. The study utilizes a custom crafted database of 133 companies, 504 annual reports, and 111 sustainability/ESG/CSR-reports, along with accounting data and secondary variables resulting in 639 observations and a wide range of sustainability variables spanning over 5 years. I find a positive link between sustainability efforts and profitability for the sample, and the proxy-approach proves promising. However, I am not able to determine any categorical prioritization of sustainability efforts, which gives support to the existing common practice of contextual assessments and materiality matrices when it comes to sustainability effort prioritization. The thesis struggles with data availability and the methodological question of how to filter and aggregate easily accessible sources of empirical information. It contributes to existing sustainability research by providing an original approach to sustainability efforts measuring. The results are generalisable for companies listed on the OSEAX-index, however the thesis is conditioned on the acceptance of the proxy-solution to measure sustainability efforts. There is also no way of determining causality in the study, but the results are robust with varied robustness-measures in place

    Man/machine interaction through EEG

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    This report has the objective of describing the process of creating a virtual reality game environment that allows the user to practice BCI (Brain Computer Interface) through controlling a BCI enabled wheelchair. It serves as a training platform for those who could possibly need a brain controlled wheelchair. The report also contains technical information on how various technologies such as Emotiv Epoc, A*, EEG (electroencephalography) and Unity 3D work. The work is inspired by a condition known as ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease which gradually leaves the patient in a state of complete paralysis, this means conventional electronic wheelchairs won't be sufficient. With this in mind and the fact that BCI has emerged in recent years, the group is able to investigate future possibilities. To conclude the work the group investigated the process Emotiv would use to distinguish independent cognitive states. The result is an open world game environment which allows subjects to train and, become familiar with the equipment and the technology. In addition, during the BCI investigation the group discovered that it was possible to discern and classify different cognitive states via EEG using a neural network